Impossible Creatures Wiki
Creature Chamber
Creature Chamber(Display)
Type Structure
Hit Points 2000
Research Level
Buildable Yes

Coal Icon250 Electricity 0

A Creature Chamber is a resource structure from Impossible Creatures that builds creatures. It can only build amphibious creatures if a water chamber has been constructed. 


The creature chamber consists of two nodes that project a kind of energy beam that flashes for a second, to then deliver the newly created creature.


As the key structure that supplies the army with creatures, if destroyed, and no creatures are there to defend the lab, it will be very difficult to pull back enemies to build another one.


The nodes create a type of electromagnetic field for a period of time. This time usually depends of how much resources the creature will consume.


The first creature chamber was built shortly after the Tunguska Event. It allowed people to combine two animals into a new different creature.

See also[]