Impossible Creatures Wiki
Crocodile LevelIV
Movement type Amphibious
Cost Coal Icon 226 Electricity 0
Health 200
Defense 35
Speed Land: 22 km/h
Water: 27 km/h
Sight radius 20
Size 5
Melee damage
Abilities None

The Crocodile is one of the largest living reptiles known to man and is found in tropical and subtropical areas of the world. Having a mouth laden with over 60 teeth it has a bite force of up to 5000 psi around 2.5 tonnes. Combine that with its armor-like skin made up of bony plates and you have an extremely well adapted predator.

Crocodiles will grab onto a prey item and twist to rip off chunks off flesh this is called the "death roll", they can be submerged for over an hour underwater.